This page and all pages it links to copyright © 1997–2020, Japan Translation Services. All rights reserved.
Japan Translation Services |
Dear Applicant:
Thank you for your interest in JTS. This page gives you access to our registration kit, which includes the following:
- Registration form (「翻訳者登録用紙」 (also available in RTF for downloading and emailing back)
- Confidentiality Agreement (機密保持契約書; 2 copies, PDF document) (updated: 2011/03/23)
- Description of what JTS expects of translators (「新たに翻訳者として登録される皆様へ」)
- JTS File and Document Format Conventions (J>E translators only)
- JTS Styling Conventions for Newspaper and Magazine Articles (J>E translators only)
Please go over each of these documents to familiarize yourself with their content. Conformity with the conventions and requirements these documents describe will be crucial to a long-term relationship with JTS. We don’t expect you to master everything overnight and will send you final versions of work whenever possible. This way, you’ll be able to see what we expect of you and gradually work towards conforming to our preferences.
Please also note that, by signing the registration form, you will be agreeing to observe our conventions and, particularly, to maintain confidentiality concerning all information to which you gain access during the process of working with JTS.
Fill out, sign (and/or affix your seal to), and return the registration form and the Confidentiality Agreement at your earliest convenience. Electronically submitted documents may be electronically signed. Even if you fax or email scans of these forms, please also mail the originals as soon as possible; k Keep one copy of the Confidentiality Agreement for your records.
Other information that you might find of interest, including a list of the style references JTS uses and some personal information about me and my family, can be viewed at here. I will update this page occasionally, so I hope you’ll visit it once in a while. Let me know if there’s anything you’d like to see me make available there.
Contact us if you have any questions or comments. We look forward to working with you and hope to build a mutually beneficial, long-term relationship.
Sincerely yours,
James A. Lockhart Principal
Updated: 2018.12.28
—Translation is our craft—
©1996–2020, Japan Translation Services. All rights reserved.